BTDSys PeerChord


Put BTDSys PeerChord.dll in your Gear\Generators folder.


PeerChord is a chord/arpeggio player, which can control any other machine in Buzz (provided the machine supports notes and tracks). Also facilities for 'humanisation' (simulating a human player) are provided.
This is the full version of PeerChord, giving you fine control over all aspects of your chords and arpeggios. If you do not need such flexibility and want a simpler machine to use, try the Lite version.



All but one of the attributes relate to MIDI functionality. If you play a note on a MIDI keyboard, PeerChord will play the current chord type with the MIDI note as root note, and with whatever delay/arpeggio settings are specified. Note that MIDI support on PeerChord is monophonic, ie only the most recently played note is used.

Other notes


If you have comments or suggestions, or if you find any bugs please email me.
This machine is DONATIONWARE, so if you like it, send me something cool (eg CDs, hardware, money etc). Email for details of how to get stuff to me.
Also visit my website (y'know, if you're bored).

Thanks to everyone who alpha tested this machine for me and suggested features/pointed out bugs - particularly Ra·l Reales (who gave me the original idea), Cameron Bonde (Vectrex), Juri Puumala, K.M. Krebs, Jeph Wacheski, Ronny Pries, and whoever else I forgot.

Docs and code ⌐Ed Powley (BTDSys), July/August 2002